Mosques of Bangladesh (হার্ডকভার)
Mosques of Bangladesh (হার্ডকভার)
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Mosques of Bangladesh elucidates a compilation of some of the most prominent and iconic mosques of Bangladesh, exhibiting the rich Islamic architectural heritage of the nation through a series of images, motifs, artefacts and historical data. Through the book, a team of some of the most distinguished scholars and editors of the country have attempted to narrate poignant tales that contain and celebrate some of the country’s most vibrant religious structures that still exist with their striking stature. The compilation of an exclusive collection of photographs, historical information and bilingual description of the mosques in English and Arabic language are in essence the most distinctive features of the book. Mosques of Bangladesh elucidates a compilation of some of the most prominent and iconic mosques of Bangladesh, exhibiting the rich Islamic architectural heritage of the nation through a series of images, motifs, artefacts and historical data. Through the book, a team of some of the most distinguished scholars and editors of the country have attempted to narrate poignant tales that contain and celebrate some of the country’s most vibrant religious structures that still exist with their striking stature. The compilation of an exclusive collection of photographs, historical information and bilingual description of the mosques in English and Arabic language are in essence the most distinctive features of the book. </div> <button type="button" class="read-expander" id="js--summary-read-expand">Show More

Title : Mosques of Bangladesh
Author : মুহাম্মদ জমির
Editor : মুহাম্মদ লুৎফুল হক
Publisher : নিমফিয়া পাবলিকেশন্স
ISBN : 9789849229728
Edition : Re-print, 2021
Number of Pages : 240
Country : Bangladesh
Language : Bengali

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